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package aoc
import (
type Vector struct {
Offset Point[int]
Scale int
func (v Vector) Point() Point[int] {
return v.Offset.Scale(v.Scale)
type Point[T integer] [2]T
func (p Point[T]) Add(a Point[T]) Point[T] {
return Point[T]{p[0] + a[0], p[1] + a[1]}
func (p Point[T]) Scale(m T) Point[T] {
return Point[T]{p[0] * m, p[1] * m}
func (p Point[T]) Less(b Point[T]) bool {
if p[0] != b[0] {
return p[0] < b[0]
return p[1] < b[1]
func Transpose[T any](matrix [][]T) [][]T {
rows, cols := len(matrix), len(matrix[0])
m := make([][]T, cols)
for i := range m {
m[i] = make([]T, rows)
for i := 0; i < cols; i++ {
for j := 0; j < rows; j++ {
m[i][j] = matrix[j][i]
return m
// NumPoints the number of the points inside an outline plus the number of points in the outline
func NumPoints(outline []Point[int], borderLength int) int {
// shoelace - find the float area in a shape
sum := 0
for _, p := range Pairwise(outline) {
row1, col1 := p[0][0], p[0][1]
row2, col2 := p[1][0], p[1][1]
sum += row1*col2 - row2*col1
area := sum / 2
// pick's theorem - find the number of points in a shape given its area
return (ABS(area) - borderLength/2 + 1) + borderLength
type Map[I integer, T any] [][]T
func (m *Map[I, T]) Get(p Point[I]) (Point[I], T, bool) {
var zero T
if !m.Valid(p) {
return [2]I{0, 0}, zero, false
return p, (*m)[p[0]][p[1]], true
func (m *Map[I, T]) Size() (I, I) {
if m == nil || len(*m) == 0 {
return 0, 0
return I(len(*m)), I(len((*m)[0]))
func (m *Map[I, T]) Valid(p Point[I]) bool {
rows, cols := m.Size()
return p[0] >= 0 && p[0] < rows && p[1] >= 0 && p[1] < cols
type cmap[C number, N comparable] struct {
base pather[C, N]
neighbors map[N]map[N]C
func (m *cmap[C, N]) Cost(a, b N) C {
if v, ok := m.neighbors[a]; ok {
return v[b]
return 0
func (m *cmap[C, N]) Neighbors(n N) []N {
if v, ok := m.neighbors[n]; ok {
return maps.Keys(v)
return nil
func (m *cmap[C, N]) Target(n N, c C) bool {
return m.base.Target(n, c)
func (m *cmap[C, N]) String() string {
var b = &strings.Builder{}
for k, nbs := range m.neighbors {
fmt.Fprintln(b, k)
for to, c := range nbs {
fmt.Fprintln(b, " ", to, c)
return b.String()
func CompressMap[C number, N comparable](p pather[C, N], start N) pather[C, N] {
var next = []N{start}
var visited = make(map[N]map[N]C)
var n N
for len(next) > 0 {
n, next = next[len(next)-1], next[:len(next)-1]
if _, ok := visited[n]; ok {
nbs := p.Neighbors(n)
if len(nbs) == 2 {
a, b := nbs[0], nbs[1]
if to, ok := visited[a]; ok {
to[b] = to[n] + p.Cost(n, b)
delete(to, n)
visited[a] = to
} else if to, ok := visited[b]; ok {
to[a] = to[n] + p.Cost(n, a)
delete(to, n)
visited[b] = to
visited[n] = make(map[N]C)
next = append(next, nbs...)
for _, to := range nbs {
visited[n][to] = p.Cost(n, to)
return &cmap[C, N]{base: p, neighbors: visited}
type adjacencyList[V any, C comparable] map[C][]V
type graph[V any, W cmp.Ordered, C comparable] map[C]*vertex[V, W]
type graphOption[V any, W cmp.Ordered, C comparable] func(g *graph[V, W, C])
type vertex[V any, W cmp.Ordered] struct {
Value V
Edges edges[V, W]
func (v *vertex[V, W]) Neighbors() []V {
var nbs []V
for _, e := range v.Edges {
nbs = append(nbs, e.Vertex.Value)
return nbs
type edge[V any, W cmp.Ordered] struct {
Vertex *vertex[V, W]
Weight W
type edges[V any, W cmp.Ordered] []edge[V, W]
func (e edges[V, W]) Len() int { return len(e) }
func (e edges[V, W]) Less(i, j int) bool { return e[i].Weight < e[j].Weight }
func (e edges[V, W]) Swap(i, j int) { e[i], e[j] = e[j], e[i] }
func Graph[V any, W cmp.Ordered, C comparable](opts ...graphOption[V, W, C]) *graph[V, W, C] {
g := make(graph[V, W, C])
for _, opt := range opts {
return &g
func (g *graph[V, W, C]) AddVertex(id C, value V) {
(*g)[id] = &vertex[V, W]{Value: value}
func (g *graph[V, W, C]) AddEdge(from, to C, w W) {
if g == nil {
if _, ok := (*g)[from]; !ok {
if _, ok := (*g)[to]; !ok {
(*g)[from].Edges = append((*g)[from].Edges, edge[V, W]{(*g)[to], w})
func (g *graph[V, W, C]) Neighbors(v C) []V {
if g == nil {
return nil
return (*g)[v].Neighbors()
func (g *graph[V, W, C]) AdjacencyList() adjacencyList[V, C] {
m := make(map[C][]V)
for id, v := range *g {
if len(v.Edges) == 0 {
m[id] = v.Neighbors()
return m
func WithAdjacencyList[W cmp.Ordered, C comparable](list adjacencyList[C, C]) graphOption[C, W, C] {
var zeroW W
return func(g *graph[C, W, C]) {
for vertex, edges := range list {
if _, ok := (*g)[vertex]; !ok {
g.AddVertex(vertex, vertex)
// add edges to vertex
for _, edge := range edges {
// add edge as vertex, if not added
if _, ok := (*g)[edge]; !ok {
g.AddVertex(edge, edge)
g.AddEdge(vertex, edge, zeroW) // no weights in this adjacency list