{{template "main" .}} {{define "meta"}} {{end}} {{define "content"}}

What is this?

This is a reverse proxy service that uses SSH as the transport. It works similar to ngrok or localtunnel.me.

You run the service on a internet addressible host and ssh to it. Using ssh remote forwards (ie. ssh -R) the port on the remote host will be forwared to the configured port on your local machine.

How does it work?

  1. You add your SSH public key
  2. Connect to SSH
  3. ???
  4. Profit!


{{ with $args := . }} {{ range $user := .Users }}
{{ $user.Name }}
{{ if $user.Active }} Active {{ else }} {{ end }}
ssh -T -p {{ $args.ListenPort }} {{ $user.Name }}@{{ $args.DomainName }} -R "{{ $user.BindPort }}:localhost:$LOCAL_PORT" -i $PRIV_KEY
{{ end }}
{{ end }} {{ end }}