CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS mercury_spaces ( space character varying NOT NULL unique, id integer NOT NULL CONSTRAINT mercury_namespace_pk PRIMARY KEY autoincrement, notes json NOT NULL DEFAULT '[]', tags json NOT NULL DEFAULT '[]' ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS mercury_values ( id integer NOT NULL, seq integer NOT NULL, name character varying NOT NULL, "values" json NOT NULL DEFAULT '[]', tags json NOT NULL DEFAULT '[]', notes json NOT NULL DEFAULT '[]', CONSTRAINT mercury_values_pk PRIMARY KEY (id, seq) ); drop view if exists mercury_registry_vw; CREATE VIEW if not exists mercury_registry_vw AS SELECT, v.seq,,, v."values", v.notes, v.tags FROM mercury_spaces s JOIN mercury_values v ON =; drop view if exists mercury_groups_vw; CREATE VIEW if not exists mercury_groups_vw AS SELECT DISTINCT j.value AS user_id, AS group_id FROM mercury_registry_vw vw, json_each(vw."values") j WHERE = 'mercury.groups'; drop view if exists mercury_group_rules_vw; CREATE VIEW if not exists mercury_group_rules_vw AS WITH tt as ( SELECT DISTINCT AS group_id, j.value AS rules FROM mercury_registry_vw vw, json_each(vw."values") j WHERE = 'mercury.policy' ) SELECT tt.group_id, tt.rules rule, '' AS role, '' AS type, ''AS match FROM tt; drop view if exists mercury_user_rules_vw; CREATE VIEW if not exists mercury_user_rules_vw AS WITH tt as ( SELECT DISTINCT AS group_id, j.value AS rules FROM mercury_registry_vw vw, json_each(vw."values") j WHERE = 'mercury.policy' ) SELECT g.user_id, tt.rules rule, '' AS role, '' AS type, '' AS match FROM mercury_groups_vw g JOIN tt ON g.group_id = tt.group_id; drop view if exists mercury_rules_vw; CREATE VIEW if not exists mercury_rules_vw AS SELECT 'U-' || vw.user_id AS id, vw.rule, vw.role, vw.type, vw.match FROM mercury_user_rules_vw vw UNION SELECT 'G-' || vw.group_id AS id, vw.rule, vw.role, vw.type, vw.match FROM mercury_group_rules_vw vw; drop view if exists mercury_notify_vw; CREATE VIEW if not exists mercury_notify_vw AS WITH tt as ( SELECT DISTINCT, j.value AS rules FROM mercury_registry_vw vw, json_each(vw."values") j WHERE = 'mercury.notify' ) SELECT, tt.rules rule, substr(tt.rules, 1, instr(tt.rules, ' ')-1) AS match, substr(tt.rules, instr(tt.rules, ' ')+1, instr(substr(tt.rules, instr(tt.rules, ' ')+1), ' ')-1) AS event, '' AS method, '' as url FROM tt;