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2023-07-12 12:43:25 -06:00
package cron
import (
type task func(context.Context, time.Time) error
type job struct {
Month, Weekday, Day,
Hour, Minute, Second *set.BoundSet[int8]
Task task
var DefaultGranularity = time.Minute
type state struct {
queue []task
type cron struct {
jobs []job
state *locker.Locked[state]
granularity time.Duration
func New(granularity time.Duration) *cron {
return &cron{granularity: granularity, state: locker.New(&state{})}
func parseInto(c string, s *set.BoundSet[int8]) *set.BoundSet[int8] {
if c == "*" || c == "" {
s.AddRange(0, 100)
for _, split := range strings.Split(c, ",") {
minmax := strings.SplitN(split, "-", 2)
switch len(minmax) {
case 2:
min, _ := strconv.ParseInt(minmax[0], 10, 8)
max, _ := strconv.ParseInt(minmax[1], 10, 8)
s.AddRange(int8(min), int8(max))
min, _ := strconv.ParseInt(minmax[0], 10, 8)
return s
// This function creates a new job that occurs at the given day and the given
// 24hour time. Any of the values may be -1 as an "any" match, so passing in
// a day of -1, the event occurs every day; passing in a second value of -1, the
// event will fire every second that the other parameters match.
func (c *cron) NewCron(expr string, task func(context.Context, time.Time) error) {
sp := append(strings.Fields(expr), make([]string, 5)...)[:5]
job := job{
Month: parseInto(sp[4], set.NewBoundSet[int8](1, 12)),
Weekday: parseInto(sp[3], set.NewBoundSet[int8](0, 6)),
Day: parseInto(sp[2], set.NewBoundSet[int8](1, 31)),
Hour: parseInto(sp[1], set.NewBoundSet[int8](0, 23)),
Minute: parseInto(sp[0], set.NewBoundSet[int8](0, 59)),
Task: task,
c.jobs = append(c.jobs, job)
func (c *cron) RunOnce(ctx context.Context, once func(context.Context, time.Time) error) {
c.state.Use(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, state *state) error {
state.queue = append(state.queue, once)
return nil
func (cj job) Matches(t time.Time) (ok bool) {
return cj.Month.Has(int8(t.Month())) &&
cj.Day.Has(int8(t.Day())) &&
cj.Weekday.Has(int8(t.Weekday()%7)) &&
cj.Hour.Has(int8(t.Hour())) &&
func (cj job) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("job[\n m:%s\n h:%s\n d:%s\n w:%s\n M:%s\n]", cj.Minute, cj.Hour, cj.Day, cj.Weekday, cj.Month)
func (c *cron) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
tick := time.NewTicker(c.granularity)
defer tick.Stop()
go c.run(ctx, time.Now())
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil
case now := <-tick.C:
// fmt.Println(now.Second(), now.Hour(), now.Day(), int8(now.Weekday()), uint8(now.Month()))
go c.run(ctx, now)
func (c *cron) run(ctx context.Context, now time.Time) {
var run []task
ctx, span := lg.Span(ctx)
defer span.End()
// Add Jitter
timer := time.NewTimer(time.Duration(rand.Intn(300)) * time.Millisecond)
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-timer.C:
span.AddEvent("Cron Run: " + now.Format(time.RFC822))
// fmt.Println("Cron Run: ", now.Format(time.RFC822))
c.state.Use(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, state *state) error {
run = append(run, state.queue...)
state.queue = state.queue[:0]
return nil
for _, j := range c.jobs {
if j.Matches(now) {
run = append(run, j.Task)
if len(run) == 0 {
wg, _ := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
for i := range run {
fn := run[i]
wg.Go(func() error { return fn(ctx, now) })
attribute.String("tick", now.String()),
attribute.Int("count", len(run)),
err := wg.Wait()