package main import ( "" "" "" "" "bytes" "fmt" ) var ( APP_VERSION string APP_BUILD string ) var APP_NAME string = "Paste API" var APP_USAGE string = `Paste API Usage: paste version paste [ -v | -vv ] serve Options: -v Log info to console. -vv Log debug to console. -l , --listen= Address to listen on. -c , --config= Set Config Directory. Config: The config file is read from the following locations: - - /etc/opt/ - Working Directory ` var args map[string]interface{} func init() { var err error if args, err = docopt.Parse(APP_USAGE, nil, true, APP_NAME, false); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } if args["-v"].(int) == 1 { log.SetVerbose(log.Vinfo) } if args["-v"].(int) == 2 { log.SetVerbose(log.Vdebug) log.Debug("Debug Logging.") } viper.SetConfigName("config") if args["--config"] != nil{ viper.AddConfigPath(args["--config"].(string)) } viper.AddConfigPath("/etc/opt/") viper.AddConfigPath(".") viper.SetConfigType("toml") viper.ReadConfig(bytes.NewBuffer([]byte(defaultConfig))) err = viper.MergeInConfig() if err != nil { // Handle errors reading the config file log.Fatalf("Fatal error config file: %s \n", err) } viper.Set("", APP_NAME) viper.SetDefault("app.version", "VERSION") if APP_VERSION != "" { viper.Set("app.version", APP_VERSION) } viper.SetDefault("", "SNAPSHOT") if APP_BUILD != "" { viper.Set("", APP_BUILD) } if args["serve"] == true { if args["--listen"] != nil { viper.Set("listen", args["--listen"].(string)) } log.Noticef("Startup: %s (%s %s)", viper.GetString(""), viper.GetString("app.version"), viper.GetString("")) log.Notice("Read config from: ", viper.ConfigFileUsed()) if viper.IsSet("http") { httpsrv.Config() } } else if args["version"] == true { fmt.Printf("Version: %s (%s %s)\n", viper.GetString(""), viper.GetString("app.version"), viper.GetString("")) } } var defaultConfig []byte = []byte(` [http] listen = ":9010" [module.paste] random = "4096" store = "data/" `)