{{template "main" .}} {{define "meta"}} {{end}} {{define "content"}}

What is this?

This tool allows you to find "good" peerings for dn42, by measuring the latency from various points in the network towards you.

If you don't know what dn42 is, read the website and in particular the Getting Started guide.

How does it work?

  1. You enter your (Internet) IP address
  2. Various routers participating in dn42 will ping you over the Internet
  3. After a short while, you get back all the latency results
  4. You can then peer with people close to you (low latency)

If you mark your measurement as hidden, it will not be displayed on the page below. Note that the IP addresses of the target will be shown alongside the result.


{{ with $args := . }} {{ range $req := .Requests }} {{ if ne $req.RequestID "" }}
{{end}} {{end}} {{end}}