#!/bin/sh -l set -e # if a command fails it stops the execution set -u # script fails if trying to access to an undefined variable echo "Starts" SOURCE_DIRECTORY="$1" DESTINATION_GITHUB_USERNAME="$2" DESTINATION_REPOSITORY_NAME="$3" USER_EMAIL="$4" DESTINATION_REPOSITORY_USERNAME="$5" TARGET_BRANCH="$6" COMMIT_MESSAGE="$7" if [ -z "$DESTINATION_REPOSITORY_USERNAME" ] then DESTINATION_REPOSITORY_USERNAME="$DESTINATION_GITHUB_USERNAME" fi CLONE_DIR=$(mktemp -d) echo "Cloning destination git repository" # Setup git git config --global user.email "$USER_EMAIL" git config --global user.name "$DESTINATION_GITHUB_USERNAME" git clone --single-branch --branch "$TARGET_BRANCH" "https://$API_TOKEN_GITHUB@github.com/$DESTINATION_REPOSITORY_USERNAME/$DESTINATION_REPOSITORY_NAME.git" "$CLONE_DIR" ls -la "$CLONE_DIR" echo "Cleaning destination repository of old files" # Copy files into the git and deletes all git find "$CLONE_DIR" | grep -v "^$CLONE_DIR/\.git" | grep -v "^$CLONE_DIR$" | xargs rm -rf # delete all files (to handle deletions) ls -la "$CLONE_DIR" echo "Copying contents to git repo" cp -r "$SOURCE_DIRECTORY"/* "$CLONE_DIR" cd "$CLONE_DIR" ls -la echo "Adding git commit" ORIGIN_COMMIT="https://github.com/$GITHUB_REPOSITORY/commit/$GITHUB_SHA" COMMIT_MESSAGE="${COMMIT_MESSAGE/ORIGIN_COMMIT/$ORIGIN_COMMIT}" git add . git status # git diff-index : to avoid doing the git commit failing if there are no changes to be commit git diff-index --quiet HEAD || git commit --message "$COMMIT_MESSAGE" echo "Pushing git commit" git push origin "$TARGET_BRANCH"