#!/bin/sh -l set -e # if a command fails it stops the execution set -u # script fails if trying to access to an undefined variable . ./functions.sh echo "[+] Action start" getArgs "$@" if [ -z "$DESTINATION_REPOSITORY_USERNAME" ] then DESTINATION_REPOSITORY_USERNAME="$DESTINATION_GITHUB_USERNAME" fi if [ -z "$USER_NAME" ] then USER_NAME="$DESTINATION_GITHUB_USERNAME" fi # Verify that there (potentially) some access to the destination repository # and set up git (with GIT_CMD variable) and GIT_CMD_REPOSITORY if [ -n "${SSH_DEPLOY_KEY:=}" ] then echo "[+] Using SSH_DEPLOY_KEY" sshDeployKey elif [ -n "${API_TOKEN_GITHUB:=}" ] then echo "[+] Using API_TOKEN_GITHUB" githubToken else echo "::error::API_TOKEN_GITHUB and SSH_DEPLOY_KEY are empty. Please fill one (recommended the SSH_DEPLOY_KEY)" exit 1 fi CLONE_DIR=$(mktemp -d) echo "[+] Git version" git --version echo "[+] Enable git lfs" git lfs install echo "[+] Cloning destination git repository $DESTINATION_REPOSITORY_NAME" setupGit cloneRepo ls -la "$CLONE_DIR" TEMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d) # This mv has been the easier way to be able to remove files that were there # but not anymore. Otherwise we had to remove the files from "$CLONE_DIR", # including "." and with the exception of ".git/" mv "$CLONE_DIR/.git" "$TEMP_DIR/.git" # $TARGET_DIRECTORY is '' by default ABSOLUTE_TARGET_DIRECTORY="$CLONE_DIR/$TARGET_DIRECTORY/" echo "[+] Deleting $ABSOLUTE_TARGET_DIRECTORY" rm -rf "$ABSOLUTE_TARGET_DIRECTORY" echo "[+] Creating (now empty) $ABSOLUTE_TARGET_DIRECTORY" mkdir -p "$ABSOLUTE_TARGET_DIRECTORY" echo "[+] Listing Current Directory Location" ls -al echo "[+] Listing root Location" ls -al / mv "$TEMP_DIR/.git" "$CLONE_DIR/.git" echo "[+] List contents of $SOURCE_DIRECTORY" ls "$SOURCE_DIRECTORY" echo "[+] Checking if local $SOURCE_DIRECTORY exist" checkSource echo "[+] Copying contents of source repository folder $SOURCE_DIRECTORY to folder $TARGET_DIRECTORY in git repo $DESTINATION_REPOSITORY_NAME" cp -ra "$SOURCE_DIRECTORY"/. "$CLONE_DIR/$TARGET_DIRECTORY" cd "$CLONE_DIR" echo "[+] Files that will be pushed" ls -la ORIGIN_COMMIT="https://$GITHUB_SERVER/$GITHUB_REPOSITORY/commit/$GITHUB_SHA" COMMIT_MESSAGE="${COMMIT_MESSAGE/ORIGIN_COMMIT/$ORIGIN_COMMIT}" COMMIT_MESSAGE="${COMMIT_MESSAGE/\$GITHUB_REF/$GITHUB_REF}" echo "[+] Set directory is safe ($CLONE_DIR)" # Related to https://github.com/cpina/github-action-push-to-another-repository/issues/64 and https://github.com/cpina/github-action-push-to-another-repository/issues/64 # TODO: review before releasing it as a version git config --global --add safe.directory "$CLONE_DIR" switchBranch echo "[+] Adding git commit" git add . echo "[+] git status:" git status echo "[+] git diff-index:" # git diff-index : to avoid doing the git commit failing if there are no changes to be commit git diff-index --quiet HEAD || git commit --message "$COMMIT_MESSAGE" echo "[+] Pushing git commit" # --set-upstream: sets de branch when pushing to a branch that does not exist git push "$GIT_CMD_REPOSITORY" --set-upstream "$TARGET_BRANCH"