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/* globals AbortController */
'use strict'
const { extractBody, mixinBody, cloneBody } = require('./body')
const { Headers, fill: fillHeaders, HeadersList } = require('./headers')
const { FinalizationRegistry } = require('../compat/dispatcher-weakref')()
const util = require('../core/util')
const {
} = require('./util')
const {
} = require('./constants')
const { kEnumerableProperty } = util
const { kHeaders, kSignal, kState, kGuard, kRealm } = require('./symbols')
const { webidl } = require('./webidl')
const { getGlobalOrigin } = require('./global')
const { URLSerializer } = require('./dataURL')
const { kHeadersList, kConstruct } = require('../core/symbols')
const assert = require('assert')
const { getMaxListeners, setMaxListeners, getEventListeners, defaultMaxListeners } = require('events')
let TransformStream = globalThis.TransformStream
const kAbortController = Symbol('abortController')
const requestFinalizer = new FinalizationRegistry(({ signal, abort }) => {
signal.removeEventListener('abort', abort)
class Request {
constructor (input, init = {}) {
if (input === kConstruct) {
webidl.argumentLengthCheck(arguments, 1, { header: 'Request constructor' })
input = webidl.converters.RequestInfo(input)
init = webidl.converters.RequestInit(init)
this[kRealm] = {
settingsObject: {
baseUrl: getGlobalOrigin(),
get origin () {
return this.baseUrl?.origin
policyContainer: makePolicyContainer()
// 1. Let request be null.
let request = null
// 2. Let fallbackMode be null.
let fallbackMode = null
// 3. Let baseURL be thiss relevant settings objects API base URL.
const baseUrl = this[kRealm].settingsObject.baseUrl
// 4. Let signal be null.
let signal = null
// 5. If input is a string, then:
if (typeof input === 'string') {
// 1. Let parsedURL be the result of parsing input with baseURL.
// 2. If parsedURL is failure, then throw a TypeError.
let parsedURL
try {
parsedURL = new URL(input, baseUrl)
} catch (err) {
throw new TypeError('Failed to parse URL from ' + input, { cause: err })
// 3. If parsedURL includes credentials, then throw a TypeError.
if (parsedURL.username || parsedURL.password) {
throw new TypeError(
'Request cannot be constructed from a URL that includes credentials: ' +
// 4. Set request to a new request whose URL is parsedURL.
request = makeRequest({ urlList: [parsedURL] })
// 5. Set fallbackMode to "cors".
fallbackMode = 'cors'
} else {
// 6. Otherwise:
// 7. Assert: input is a Request object.
assert(input instanceof Request)
// 8. Set request to inputs request.
request = input[kState]
// 9. Set signal to inputs signal.
signal = input[kSignal]
// 7. Let origin be thiss relevant settings objects origin.
const origin = this[kRealm].settingsObject.origin
// 8. Let window be "client".
let window = 'client'
// 9. If requests window is an environment settings object and its origin
// is same origin with origin, then set window to requests window.
if (
request.window?.constructor?.name === 'EnvironmentSettingsObject' &&
sameOrigin(request.window, origin)
) {
window = request.window
// 10. If init["window"] exists and is non-null, then throw a TypeError.
if (init.window != null) {
throw new TypeError(`'window' option '${window}' must be null`)
// 11. If init["window"] exists, then set window to "no-window".
if ('window' in init) {
window = 'no-window'
// 12. Set request to a new request with the following properties:
request = makeRequest({
// URL requests URL.
// undici implementation note: this is set as the first item in request's urlList in makeRequest
// method requests method.
method: request.method,
// header list A copy of requests header list.
// undici implementation note: headersList is cloned in makeRequest
headersList: request.headersList,
// unsafe-request flag Set.
unsafeRequest: request.unsafeRequest,
// client Thiss relevant settings object.
client: this[kRealm].settingsObject,
// window window.
// priority requests priority.
priority: request.priority,
// origin requests origin. The propagation of the origin is only significant for navigation requests
// being handled by a service worker. In this scenario a request can have an origin that is different
// from the current client.
origin: request.origin,
// referrer requests referrer.
referrer: request.referrer,
// referrer policy requests referrer policy.
referrerPolicy: request.referrerPolicy,
// mode requests mode.
mode: request.mode,
// credentials mode requests credentials mode.
credentials: request.credentials,
// cache mode requests cache mode.
cache: request.cache,
// redirect mode requests redirect mode.
redirect: request.redirect,
// integrity metadata requests integrity metadata.
integrity: request.integrity,
// keepalive requests keepalive.
keepalive: request.keepalive,
// reload-navigation flag requests reload-navigation flag.
reloadNavigation: request.reloadNavigation,
// history-navigation flag requests history-navigation flag.
historyNavigation: request.historyNavigation,
// URL list A clone of requests URL list.
urlList: [...request.urlList]
const initHasKey = Object.keys(init).length !== 0
// 13. If init is not empty, then:
if (initHasKey) {
// 1. If requests mode is "navigate", then set it to "same-origin".
if (request.mode === 'navigate') {
request.mode = 'same-origin'
// 2. Unset requests reload-navigation flag.
request.reloadNavigation = false
// 3. Unset requests history-navigation flag.
request.historyNavigation = false
// 4. Set requests origin to "client".
request.origin = 'client'
// 5. Set requests referrer to "client"
request.referrer = 'client'
// 6. Set requests referrer policy to the empty string.
request.referrerPolicy = ''
// 7. Set requests URL to requests current URL.
request.url = request.urlList[request.urlList.length - 1]
// 8. Set requests URL list to « requests URL ».
request.urlList = [request.url]
// 14. If init["referrer"] exists, then:
if (init.referrer !== undefined) {
// 1. Let referrer be init["referrer"].
const referrer = init.referrer
// 2. If referrer is the empty string, then set requests referrer to "no-referrer".
if (referrer === '') {
request.referrer = 'no-referrer'
} else {
// 1. Let parsedReferrer be the result of parsing referrer with
// baseURL.
// 2. If parsedReferrer is failure, then throw a TypeError.
let parsedReferrer
try {
parsedReferrer = new URL(referrer, baseUrl)
} catch (err) {
throw new TypeError(`Referrer "${referrer}" is not a valid URL.`, { cause: err })
// 3. If one of the following is true
// - parsedReferrers scheme is "about" and path is the string "client"
// - parsedReferrers origin is not same origin with origin
// then set requests referrer to "client".
if (
(parsedReferrer.protocol === 'about:' && parsedReferrer.hostname === 'client') ||
(origin && !sameOrigin(parsedReferrer, this[kRealm].settingsObject.baseUrl))
) {
request.referrer = 'client'
} else {
// 4. Otherwise, set requests referrer to parsedReferrer.
request.referrer = parsedReferrer
// 15. If init["referrerPolicy"] exists, then set requests referrer policy
// to it.
if (init.referrerPolicy !== undefined) {
request.referrerPolicy = init.referrerPolicy
// 16. Let mode be init["mode"] if it exists, and fallbackMode otherwise.
let mode
if (init.mode !== undefined) {
mode = init.mode
} else {
mode = fallbackMode
// 17. If mode is "navigate", then throw a TypeError.
if (mode === 'navigate') {
throw webidl.errors.exception({
header: 'Request constructor',
message: 'invalid request mode navigate.'
// 18. If mode is non-null, set requests mode to mode.
if (mode != null) {
request.mode = mode
// 19. If init["credentials"] exists, then set requests credentials mode
// to it.
if (init.credentials !== undefined) {
request.credentials = init.credentials
// 18. If init["cache"] exists, then set requests cache mode to it.
if (init.cache !== undefined) {
request.cache = init.cache
// 21. If requests cache mode is "only-if-cached" and requests mode is
// not "same-origin", then throw a TypeError.
if (request.cache === 'only-if-cached' && request.mode !== 'same-origin') {
throw new TypeError(
"'only-if-cached' can be set only with 'same-origin' mode"
// 22. If init["redirect"] exists, then set requests redirect mode to it.
if (init.redirect !== undefined) {
request.redirect = init.redirect
// 23. If init["integrity"] exists, then set requests integrity metadata to it.
if (init.integrity != null) {
request.integrity = String(init.integrity)
// 24. If init["keepalive"] exists, then set requests keepalive to it.
if (init.keepalive !== undefined) {
request.keepalive = Boolean(init.keepalive)
// 25. If init["method"] exists, then:
if (init.method !== undefined) {
// 1. Let method be init["method"].
let method = init.method
// 2. If method is not a method or method is a forbidden method, then
// throw a TypeError.
if (!isValidHTTPToken(method)) {
throw new TypeError(`'${method}' is not a valid HTTP method.`)
if (forbiddenMethodsSet.has(method.toUpperCase())) {
throw new TypeError(`'${method}' HTTP method is unsupported.`)
// 3. Normalize method.
method = normalizeMethodRecord[method] ?? normalizeMethod(method)
// 4. Set requests method to method.
request.method = method
// 26. If init["signal"] exists, then set signal to it.
if (init.signal !== undefined) {
signal = init.signal
// 27. Set thiss request to request.
this[kState] = request
// 28. Set thiss signal to a new AbortSignal object with thiss relevant
// Realm.
// TODO: could this be simplified with AbortSignal.any
// (
const ac = new AbortController()
this[kSignal] = ac.signal
this[kSignal][kRealm] = this[kRealm]
// 29. If signal is not null, then make thiss signal follow signal.
if (signal != null) {
if (
!signal ||
typeof signal.aborted !== 'boolean' ||
typeof signal.addEventListener !== 'function'
) {
throw new TypeError(
"Failed to construct 'Request': member signal is not of type AbortSignal."
if (signal.aborted) {
} else {
// Keep a strong ref to ac while request object
// is alive. This is needed to prevent AbortController
// from being prematurely garbage collected.
// See,
this[kAbortController] = ac
const acRef = new WeakRef(ac)
const abort = function () {
const ac = acRef.deref()
if (ac !== undefined) {
// Third-party AbortControllers may not work with these.
// See,
try {
// If the max amount of listeners is equal to the default, increase it
// This is only available in node >= v19.9.0
if (typeof getMaxListeners === 'function' && getMaxListeners(signal) === defaultMaxListeners) {
setMaxListeners(100, signal)
} else if (getEventListeners(signal, 'abort').length >= defaultMaxListeners) {
setMaxListeners(100, signal)
} catch {}
util.addAbortListener(signal, abort)
requestFinalizer.register(ac, { signal, abort })
// 30. Set thiss headers to a new Headers object with thiss relevant
// Realm, whose header list is requests header list and guard is
// "request".
this[kHeaders] = new Headers(kConstruct)
this[kHeaders][kHeadersList] = request.headersList
this[kHeaders][kGuard] = 'request'
this[kHeaders][kRealm] = this[kRealm]
// 31. If thiss requests mode is "no-cors", then:
if (mode === 'no-cors') {
// 1. If thiss requests method is not a CORS-safelisted method,
// then throw a TypeError.
if (!corsSafeListedMethodsSet.has(request.method)) {
throw new TypeError(
`'${request.method} is unsupported in no-cors mode.`
// 2. Set thiss headerss guard to "request-no-cors".
this[kHeaders][kGuard] = 'request-no-cors'
// 32. If init is not empty, then:
if (initHasKey) {
/** @type {HeadersList} */
const headersList = this[kHeaders][kHeadersList]
// 1. Let headers be a copy of thiss headers and its associated header
// list.
// 2. If init["headers"] exists, then set headers to init["headers"].
const headers = init.headers !== undefined ? init.headers : new HeadersList(headersList)
// 3. Empty thiss headerss header list.
// 4. If headers is a Headers object, then for each header in its header
// list, append headers name/headers value to thiss headers.
if (headers instanceof HeadersList) {
for (const [key, val] of headers) {
headersList.append(key, val)
// Note: Copy the `set-cookie` meta-data.
headersList.cookies = headers.cookies
} else {
// 5. Otherwise, fill thiss headers with headers.
fillHeaders(this[kHeaders], headers)
// 33. Let inputBody be inputs requests body if input is a Request
// object; otherwise null.
const inputBody = input instanceof Request ? input[kState].body : null
// 34. If either init["body"] exists and is non-null or inputBody is
// non-null, and requests method is `GET` or `HEAD`, then throw a
// TypeError.
if (
(init.body != null || inputBody != null) &&
(request.method === 'GET' || request.method === 'HEAD')
) {
throw new TypeError('Request with GET/HEAD method cannot have body.')
// 35. Let initBody be null.
let initBody = null
// 36. If init["body"] exists and is non-null, then:
if (init.body != null) {
// 1. Let Content-Type be null.
// 2. Set initBody and Content-Type to the result of extracting
// init["body"], with keepalive set to requests keepalive.
const [extractedBody, contentType] = extractBody(
initBody = extractedBody
// 3, If Content-Type is non-null and thiss headerss header list does
// not contain `Content-Type`, then append `Content-Type`/Content-Type to
// thiss headers.
if (contentType && !this[kHeaders][kHeadersList].contains('content-type')) {
this[kHeaders].append('content-type', contentType)
// 37. Let inputOrInitBody be initBody if it is non-null; otherwise
// inputBody.
const inputOrInitBody = initBody ?? inputBody
// 38. If inputOrInitBody is non-null and inputOrInitBodys source is
// null, then:
if (inputOrInitBody != null && inputOrInitBody.source == null) {
// 1. If initBody is non-null and init["duplex"] does not exist,
// then throw a TypeError.
if (initBody != null && init.duplex == null) {
throw new TypeError('RequestInit: duplex option is required when sending a body.')
// 2. If thiss requests mode is neither "same-origin" nor "cors",
// then throw a TypeError.
if (request.mode !== 'same-origin' && request.mode !== 'cors') {
throw new TypeError(
'If request is made from ReadableStream, mode should be "same-origin" or "cors"'
// 3. Set thiss requests use-CORS-preflight flag.
request.useCORSPreflightFlag = true
// 39. Let finalBody be inputOrInitBody.
let finalBody = inputOrInitBody
// 40. If initBody is null and inputBody is non-null, then:
if (initBody == null && inputBody != null) {
// 1. If input is unusable, then throw a TypeError.
if (util.isDisturbed( || {
throw new TypeError(
'Cannot construct a Request with a Request object that has already been used.'
// 2. Set finalBody to the result of creating a proxy for inputBody.
if (!TransformStream) {
TransformStream = require('stream/web').TransformStream
const identityTransform = new TransformStream()
finalBody = {
source: inputBody.source,
length: inputBody.length,
stream: identityTransform.readable
// 41. Set thiss requests body to finalBody.
this[kState].body = finalBody
// Returns requests HTTP method, which is "GET" by default.
get method () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, Request)
// The method getter steps are to return thiss requests method.
return this[kState].method
// Returns the URL of request as a string.
get url () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, Request)
// The url getter steps are to return thiss requests URL, serialized.
return URLSerializer(this[kState].url)
// Returns a Headers object consisting of the headers associated with request.
// Note that headers added in the network layer by the user agent will not
// be accounted for in this object, e.g., the "Host" header.
get headers () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, Request)
// The headers getter steps are to return thiss headers.
return this[kHeaders]
// Returns the kind of resource requested by request, e.g., "document"
// or "script".
get destination () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, Request)
// The destination getter are to return thiss requests destination.
return this[kState].destination
// Returns the referrer of request. Its value can be a same-origin URL if
// explicitly set in init, the empty string to indicate no referrer, and
// "about:client" when defaulting to the globals default. This is used
// during fetching to determine the value of the `Referer` header of the
// request being made.
get referrer () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, Request)
// 1. If thiss requests referrer is "no-referrer", then return the
// empty string.
if (this[kState].referrer === 'no-referrer') {
return ''
// 2. If thiss requests referrer is "client", then return
// "about:client".
if (this[kState].referrer === 'client') {
return 'about:client'
// Return thiss requests referrer, serialized.
return this[kState].referrer.toString()
// Returns the referrer policy associated with request.
// This is used during fetching to compute the value of the requests
// referrer.
get referrerPolicy () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, Request)
// The referrerPolicy getter steps are to return thiss requests referrer policy.
return this[kState].referrerPolicy
// Returns the mode associated with request, which is a string indicating
// whether the request will use CORS, or will be restricted to same-origin
// URLs.
get mode () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, Request)
// The mode getter steps are to return thiss requests mode.
return this[kState].mode
// Returns the credentials mode associated with request,
// which is a string indicating whether credentials will be sent with the
// request always, never, or only when sent to a same-origin URL.
get credentials () {
// The credentials getter steps are to return thiss requests credentials mode.
return this[kState].credentials
// Returns the cache mode associated with request,
// which is a string indicating how the request will
// interact with the browsers cache when fetching.
get cache () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, Request)
// The cache getter steps are to return thiss requests cache mode.
return this[kState].cache
// Returns the redirect mode associated with request,
// which is a string indicating how redirects for the
// request will be handled during fetching. A request
// will follow redirects by default.
get redirect () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, Request)
// The redirect getter steps are to return thiss requests redirect mode.
return this[kState].redirect
// Returns requests subresource integrity metadata, which is a
// cryptographic hash of the resource being fetched. Its value
// consists of multiple hashes separated by whitespace. [SRI]
get integrity () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, Request)
// The integrity getter steps are to return thiss requests integrity
// metadata.
return this[kState].integrity
// Returns a boolean indicating whether or not request can outlive the
// global in which it was created.
get keepalive () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, Request)
// The keepalive getter steps are to return thiss requests keepalive.
return this[kState].keepalive
// Returns a boolean indicating whether or not request is for a reload
// navigation.
get isReloadNavigation () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, Request)
// The isReloadNavigation getter steps are to return true if thiss
// requests reload-navigation flag is set; otherwise false.
return this[kState].reloadNavigation
// Returns a boolean indicating whether or not request is for a history
// navigation (a.k.a. back-foward navigation).
get isHistoryNavigation () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, Request)
// The isHistoryNavigation getter steps are to return true if thiss requests
// history-navigation flag is set; otherwise false.
return this[kState].historyNavigation
// Returns the signal associated with request, which is an AbortSignal
// object indicating whether or not request has been aborted, and its
// abort event handler.
get signal () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, Request)
// The signal getter steps are to return thiss signal.
return this[kSignal]
get body () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, Request)
return this[kState].body ? this[kState] : null
get bodyUsed () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, Request)
return !!this[kState].body && util.isDisturbed(this[kState]
get duplex () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, Request)
return 'half'
// Returns a clone of request.
clone () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, Request)
// 1. If this is unusable, then throw a TypeError.
if (this.bodyUsed || this.body?.locked) {
throw new TypeError('unusable')
// 2. Let clonedRequest be the result of cloning thiss request.
const clonedRequest = cloneRequest(this[kState])
// 3. Let clonedRequestObject be the result of creating a Request object,
// given clonedRequest, thiss headerss guard, and thiss relevant Realm.
const clonedRequestObject = new Request(kConstruct)
clonedRequestObject[kState] = clonedRequest
clonedRequestObject[kRealm] = this[kRealm]
clonedRequestObject[kHeaders] = new Headers(kConstruct)
clonedRequestObject[kHeaders][kHeadersList] = clonedRequest.headersList
clonedRequestObject[kHeaders][kGuard] = this[kHeaders][kGuard]
clonedRequestObject[kHeaders][kRealm] = this[kHeaders][kRealm]
// 4. Make clonedRequestObjects signal follow thiss signal.
const ac = new AbortController()
if (this.signal.aborted) {
} else {
() => {
clonedRequestObject[kSignal] = ac.signal
// 4. Return clonedRequestObject.
return clonedRequestObject
function makeRequest (init) {
const request = {
method: 'GET',
localURLsOnly: false,
unsafeRequest: false,
body: null,
client: null,
reservedClient: null,
replacesClientId: '',
window: 'client',
keepalive: false,
serviceWorkers: 'all',
initiator: '',
destination: '',
priority: null,
origin: 'client',
policyContainer: 'client',
referrer: 'client',
referrerPolicy: '',
mode: 'no-cors',
useCORSPreflightFlag: false,
credentials: 'same-origin',
useCredentials: false,
cache: 'default',
redirect: 'follow',
integrity: '',
cryptoGraphicsNonceMetadata: '',
parserMetadata: '',
reloadNavigation: false,
historyNavigation: false,
userActivation: false,
taintedOrigin: false,
redirectCount: 0,
responseTainting: 'basic',
preventNoCacheCacheControlHeaderModification: false,
done: false,
timingAllowFailed: false,
headersList: init.headersList
? new HeadersList(init.headersList)
: new HeadersList()
request.url = request.urlList[0]
return request
function cloneRequest (request) {
// To clone a request request, run these steps:
// 1. Let newRequest be a copy of request, except for its body.
const newRequest = makeRequest({ ...request, body: null })
// 2. If requests body is non-null, set newRequests body to the
// result of cloning requests body.
if (request.body != null) {
newRequest.body = cloneBody(request.body)
// 3. Return newRequest.
return newRequest
Object.defineProperties(Request.prototype, {
method: kEnumerableProperty,
url: kEnumerableProperty,
headers: kEnumerableProperty,
redirect: kEnumerableProperty,
clone: kEnumerableProperty,
signal: kEnumerableProperty,
duplex: kEnumerableProperty,
destination: kEnumerableProperty,
body: kEnumerableProperty,
bodyUsed: kEnumerableProperty,
isHistoryNavigation: kEnumerableProperty,
isReloadNavigation: kEnumerableProperty,
keepalive: kEnumerableProperty,
integrity: kEnumerableProperty,
cache: kEnumerableProperty,
credentials: kEnumerableProperty,
attribute: kEnumerableProperty,
referrerPolicy: kEnumerableProperty,
referrer: kEnumerableProperty,
mode: kEnumerableProperty,
[Symbol.toStringTag]: {
value: 'Request',
configurable: true
webidl.converters.Request = webidl.interfaceConverter(
webidl.converters.RequestInfo = function (V) {
if (typeof V === 'string') {
return webidl.converters.USVString(V)
if (V instanceof Request) {
return webidl.converters.Request(V)
return webidl.converters.USVString(V)
webidl.converters.AbortSignal = webidl.interfaceConverter(
webidl.converters.RequestInit = webidl.dictionaryConverter([
key: 'method',
converter: webidl.converters.ByteString
key: 'headers',
converter: webidl.converters.HeadersInit
key: 'body',
converter: webidl.nullableConverter(
key: 'referrer',
converter: webidl.converters.USVString
key: 'referrerPolicy',
converter: webidl.converters.DOMString,
allowedValues: referrerPolicy
key: 'mode',
converter: webidl.converters.DOMString,
allowedValues: requestMode
key: 'credentials',
converter: webidl.converters.DOMString,
allowedValues: requestCredentials
key: 'cache',
converter: webidl.converters.DOMString,
allowedValues: requestCache
key: 'redirect',
converter: webidl.converters.DOMString,
allowedValues: requestRedirect
key: 'integrity',
converter: webidl.converters.DOMString
key: 'keepalive',
converter: webidl.converters.boolean
key: 'signal',
converter: webidl.nullableConverter(
(signal) => webidl.converters.AbortSignal(
{ strict: false }
key: 'window',
converter: webidl.converters.any
key: 'duplex',
converter: webidl.converters.DOMString,
allowedValues: requestDuplex
module.exports = { Request, makeRequest }