2024-01-17 10:08:10 +01:00

628 lines
18 KiB
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

const assert = require('assert')
const { atob } = require('buffer')
const { isomorphicDecode } = require('./util')
const encoder = new TextEncoder()
* @see
const HTTP_TOKEN_CODEPOINTS = /^[!#$%&'*+-.^_|~A-Za-z0-9]+$/
const HTTP_WHITESPACE_REGEX = /(\u000A|\u000D|\u0009|\u0020)/ // eslint-disable-line
* @see
const HTTP_QUOTED_STRING_TOKENS = /[\u0009|\u0020-\u007E|\u0080-\u00FF]/ // eslint-disable-line
/** @param {URL} dataURL */
function dataURLProcessor (dataURL) {
// 1. Assert: dataURLs scheme is "data".
assert(dataURL.protocol === 'data:')
// 2. Let input be the result of running the URL
// serializer on dataURL with exclude fragment
// set to true.
let input = URLSerializer(dataURL, true)
// 3. Remove the leading "data:" string from input.
input = input.slice(5)
// 4. Let position point at the start of input.
const position = { position: 0 }
// 5. Let mimeType be the result of collecting a
// sequence of code points that are not equal
// to U+002C (,), given position.
let mimeType = collectASequenceOfCodePointsFast(
// 6. Strip leading and trailing ASCII whitespace
// from mimeType.
// Undici implementation note: we need to store the
// length because if the mimetype has spaces removed,
// the wrong amount will be sliced from the input in
// step #9
const mimeTypeLength = mimeType.length
mimeType = removeASCIIWhitespace(mimeType, true, true)
// 7. If position is past the end of input, then
// return failure
if (position.position >= input.length) {
return 'failure'
// 8. Advance position by 1.
// 9. Let encodedBody be the remainder of input.
const encodedBody = input.slice(mimeTypeLength + 1)
// 10. Let body be the percent-decoding of encodedBody.
let body = stringPercentDecode(encodedBody)
// 11. If mimeType ends with U+003B (;), followed by
// zero or more U+0020 SPACE, followed by an ASCII
// case-insensitive match for "base64", then:
if (/;(\u0020){0,}base64$/i.test(mimeType)) {
// 1. Let stringBody be the isomorphic decode of body.
const stringBody = isomorphicDecode(body)
// 2. Set body to the forgiving-base64 decode of
// stringBody.
body = forgivingBase64(stringBody)
// 3. If body is failure, then return failure.
if (body === 'failure') {
return 'failure'
// 4. Remove the last 6 code points from mimeType.
mimeType = mimeType.slice(0, -6)
// 5. Remove trailing U+0020 SPACE code points from mimeType,
// if any.
mimeType = mimeType.replace(/(\u0020)+$/, '')
// 6. Remove the last U+003B (;) code point from mimeType.
mimeType = mimeType.slice(0, -1)
// 12. If mimeType starts with U+003B (;), then prepend
// "text/plain" to mimeType.
if (mimeType.startsWith(';')) {
mimeType = 'text/plain' + mimeType
// 13. Let mimeTypeRecord be the result of parsing
// mimeType.
let mimeTypeRecord = parseMIMEType(mimeType)
// 14. If mimeTypeRecord is failure, then set
// mimeTypeRecord to text/plain;charset=US-ASCII.
if (mimeTypeRecord === 'failure') {
mimeTypeRecord = parseMIMEType('text/plain;charset=US-ASCII')
// 15. Return a new data: URL struct whose MIME
// type is mimeTypeRecord and body is body.
return { mimeType: mimeTypeRecord, body }
* @param {URL} url
* @param {boolean} excludeFragment
function URLSerializer (url, excludeFragment = false) {
if (!excludeFragment) {
return url.href
const href = url.href
const hashLength = url.hash.length
return hashLength === 0 ? href : href.substring(0, href.length - hashLength)
* @param {(char: string) => boolean} condition
* @param {string} input
* @param {{ position: number }} position
function collectASequenceOfCodePoints (condition, input, position) {
// 1. Let result be the empty string.
let result = ''
// 2. While position doesnt point past the end of input and the
// code point at position within input meets the condition condition:
while (position.position < input.length && condition(input[position.position])) {
// 1. Append that code point to the end of result.
result += input[position.position]
// 2. Advance position by 1.
// 3. Return result.
return result
* A faster collectASequenceOfCodePoints that only works when comparing a single character.
* @param {string} char
* @param {string} input
* @param {{ position: number }} position
function collectASequenceOfCodePointsFast (char, input, position) {
const idx = input.indexOf(char, position.position)
const start = position.position
if (idx === -1) {
position.position = input.length
return input.slice(start)
position.position = idx
return input.slice(start, position.position)
/** @param {string} input */
function stringPercentDecode (input) {
// 1. Let bytes be the UTF-8 encoding of input.
const bytes = encoder.encode(input)
// 2. Return the percent-decoding of bytes.
return percentDecode(bytes)
/** @param {Uint8Array} input */
function percentDecode (input) {
// 1. Let output be an empty byte sequence.
/** @type {number[]} */
const output = []
// 2. For each byte byte in input:
for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
const byte = input[i]
// 1. If byte is not 0x25 (%), then append byte to output.
if (byte !== 0x25) {
// 2. Otherwise, if byte is 0x25 (%) and the next two bytes
// after byte in input are not in the ranges
// 0x30 (0) to 0x39 (9), 0x41 (A) to 0x46 (F),
// and 0x61 (a) to 0x66 (f), all inclusive, append byte
// to output.
} else if (
byte === 0x25 &&
!/^[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}$/i.test(String.fromCharCode(input[i + 1], input[i + 2]))
) {
// 3. Otherwise:
} else {
// 1. Let bytePoint be the two bytes after byte in input,
// decoded, and then interpreted as hexadecimal number.
const nextTwoBytes = String.fromCharCode(input[i + 1], input[i + 2])
const bytePoint = Number.parseInt(nextTwoBytes, 16)
// 2. Append a byte whose value is bytePoint to output.
// 3. Skip the next two bytes in input.
i += 2
// 3. Return output.
return Uint8Array.from(output)
/** @param {string} input */
function parseMIMEType (input) {
// 1. Remove any leading and trailing HTTP whitespace
// from input.
input = removeHTTPWhitespace(input, true, true)
// 2. Let position be a position variable for input,
// initially pointing at the start of input.
const position = { position: 0 }
// 3. Let type be the result of collecting a sequence
// of code points that are not U+002F (/) from
// input, given position.
const type = collectASequenceOfCodePointsFast(
// 4. If type is the empty string or does not solely
// contain HTTP token code points, then return failure.
if (type.length === 0 || !HTTP_TOKEN_CODEPOINTS.test(type)) {
return 'failure'
// 5. If position is past the end of input, then return
// failure
if (position.position > input.length) {
return 'failure'
// 6. Advance position by 1. (This skips past U+002F (/).)
// 7. Let subtype be the result of collecting a sequence of
// code points that are not U+003B (;) from input, given
// position.
let subtype = collectASequenceOfCodePointsFast(
// 8. Remove any trailing HTTP whitespace from subtype.
subtype = removeHTTPWhitespace(subtype, false, true)
// 9. If subtype is the empty string or does not solely
// contain HTTP token code points, then return failure.
if (subtype.length === 0 || !HTTP_TOKEN_CODEPOINTS.test(subtype)) {
return 'failure'
const typeLowercase = type.toLowerCase()
const subtypeLowercase = subtype.toLowerCase()
// 10. Let mimeType be a new MIME type record whose type
// is type, in ASCII lowercase, and subtype is subtype,
// in ASCII lowercase.
const mimeType = {
type: typeLowercase,
subtype: subtypeLowercase,
/** @type {Map<string, string>} */
parameters: new Map(),
essence: `${typeLowercase}/${subtypeLowercase}`
// 11. While position is not past the end of input:
while (position.position < input.length) {
// 1. Advance position by 1. (This skips past U+003B (;).)
// 2. Collect a sequence of code points that are HTTP
// whitespace from input given position.
char => HTTP_WHITESPACE_REGEX.test(char),
// 3. Let parameterName be the result of collecting a
// sequence of code points that are not U+003B (;)
// or U+003D (=) from input, given position.
let parameterName = collectASequenceOfCodePoints(
(char) => char !== ';' && char !== '=',
// 4. Set parameterName to parameterName, in ASCII
// lowercase.
parameterName = parameterName.toLowerCase()
// 5. If position is not past the end of input, then:
if (position.position < input.length) {
// 1. If the code point at position within input is
// U+003B (;), then continue.
if (input[position.position] === ';') {
// 2. Advance position by 1. (This skips past U+003D (=).)
// 6. If position is past the end of input, then break.
if (position.position > input.length) {
// 7. Let parameterValue be null.
let parameterValue = null
// 8. If the code point at position within input is
// U+0022 ("), then:
if (input[position.position] === '"') {
// 1. Set parameterValue to the result of collecting
// an HTTP quoted string from input, given position
// and the extract-value flag.
parameterValue = collectAnHTTPQuotedString(input, position, true)
// 2. Collect a sequence of code points that are not
// U+003B (;) from input, given position.
// 9. Otherwise:
} else {
// 1. Set parameterValue to the result of collecting
// a sequence of code points that are not U+003B (;)
// from input, given position.
parameterValue = collectASequenceOfCodePointsFast(
// 2. Remove any trailing HTTP whitespace from parameterValue.
parameterValue = removeHTTPWhitespace(parameterValue, false, true)
// 3. If parameterValue is the empty string, then continue.
if (parameterValue.length === 0) {
// 10. If all of the following are true
// - parameterName is not the empty string
// - parameterName solely contains HTTP token code points
// - parameterValue solely contains HTTP quoted-string token code points
// - mimeTypes parameters[parameterName] does not exist
// then set mimeTypes parameters[parameterName] to parameterValue.
if (
parameterName.length !== 0 &&
HTTP_TOKEN_CODEPOINTS.test(parameterName) &&
(parameterValue.length === 0 || HTTP_QUOTED_STRING_TOKENS.test(parameterValue)) &&
) {
mimeType.parameters.set(parameterName, parameterValue)
// 12. Return mimeType.
return mimeType
/** @param {string} data */
function forgivingBase64 (data) {
// 1. Remove all ASCII whitespace from data.
data = data.replace(/[\u0009\u000A\u000C\u000D\u0020]/g, '') // eslint-disable-line
// 2. If datas code point length divides by 4 leaving
// no remainder, then:
if (data.length % 4 === 0) {
// 1. If data ends with one or two U+003D (=) code points,
// then remove them from data.
data = data.replace(/=?=$/, '')
// 3. If datas code point length divides by 4 leaving
// a remainder of 1, then return failure.
if (data.length % 4 === 1) {
return 'failure'
// 4. If data contains a code point that is not one of
// U+002B (+)
// U+002F (/)
// ASCII alphanumeric
// then return failure.
if (/[^+/0-9A-Za-z]/.test(data)) {
return 'failure'
const binary = atob(data)
const bytes = new Uint8Array(binary.length)
for (let byte = 0; byte < binary.length; byte++) {
bytes[byte] = binary.charCodeAt(byte)
return bytes
// tests:
* @param {string} input
* @param {{ position: number }} position
* @param {boolean?} extractValue
function collectAnHTTPQuotedString (input, position, extractValue) {
// 1. Let positionStart be position.
const positionStart = position.position
// 2. Let value be the empty string.
let value = ''
// 3. Assert: the code point at position within input
// is U+0022 (").
assert(input[position.position] === '"')
// 4. Advance position by 1.
// 5. While true:
while (true) {
// 1. Append the result of collecting a sequence of code points
// that are not U+0022 (") or U+005C (\) from input, given
// position, to value.
value += collectASequenceOfCodePoints(
(char) => char !== '"' && char !== '\\',
// 2. If position is past the end of input, then break.
if (position.position >= input.length) {
// 3. Let quoteOrBackslash be the code point at position within
// input.
const quoteOrBackslash = input[position.position]
// 4. Advance position by 1.
// 5. If quoteOrBackslash is U+005C (\), then:
if (quoteOrBackslash === '\\') {
// 1. If position is past the end of input, then append
// U+005C (\) to value and break.
if (position.position >= input.length) {
value += '\\'
// 2. Append the code point at position within input to value.
value += input[position.position]
// 3. Advance position by 1.
// 6. Otherwise:
} else {
// 1. Assert: quoteOrBackslash is U+0022 (").
assert(quoteOrBackslash === '"')
// 2. Break.
// 6. If the extract-value flag is set, then return value.
if (extractValue) {
return value
// 7. Return the code points from positionStart to position,
// inclusive, within input.
return input.slice(positionStart, position.position)
* @see
function serializeAMimeType (mimeType) {
assert(mimeType !== 'failure')
const { parameters, essence } = mimeType
// 1. Let serialization be the concatenation of mimeTypes
// type, U+002F (/), and mimeTypes subtype.
let serialization = essence
// 2. For each name → value of mimeTypes parameters:
for (let [name, value] of parameters.entries()) {
// 1. Append U+003B (;) to serialization.
serialization += ';'
// 2. Append name to serialization.
serialization += name
// 3. Append U+003D (=) to serialization.
serialization += '='
// 4. If value does not solely contain HTTP token code
// points or value is the empty string, then:
if (!HTTP_TOKEN_CODEPOINTS.test(value)) {
// 1. Precede each occurence of U+0022 (") or
// U+005C (\) in value with U+005C (\).
value = value.replace(/(\\|")/g, '\\$1')
// 2. Prepend U+0022 (") to value.
value = '"' + value
// 3. Append U+0022 (") to value.
value += '"'
// 5. Append value to serialization.
serialization += value
// 3. Return serialization.
return serialization
* @see
* @param {string} char
function isHTTPWhiteSpace (char) {
return char === '\r' || char === '\n' || char === '\t' || char === ' '
* @see
* @param {string} str
function removeHTTPWhitespace (str, leading = true, trailing = true) {
let lead = 0
let trail = str.length - 1
if (leading) {
for (; lead < str.length && isHTTPWhiteSpace(str[lead]); lead++);
if (trailing) {
for (; trail > 0 && isHTTPWhiteSpace(str[trail]); trail--);
return str.slice(lead, trail + 1)
* @see
* @param {string} char
function isASCIIWhitespace (char) {
return char === '\r' || char === '\n' || char === '\t' || char === '\f' || char === ' '
* @see
function removeASCIIWhitespace (str, leading = true, trailing = true) {
let lead = 0
let trail = str.length - 1
if (leading) {
for (; lead < str.length && isASCIIWhitespace(str[lead]); lead++);
if (trailing) {
for (; trail > 0 && isASCIIWhitespace(str[trail]); trail--);
return str.slice(lead, trail + 1)
module.exports = {