2024-01-17 10:08:10 +01:00

1072 lines
31 KiB
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

'use strict'
const { redirectStatusSet, referrerPolicySet: referrerPolicyTokens, badPortsSet } = require('./constants')
const { getGlobalOrigin } = require('./global')
const { performance } = require('perf_hooks')
const { isBlobLike, toUSVString, ReadableStreamFrom } = require('../core/util')
const assert = require('assert')
const { isUint8Array } = require('util/types')
/** @type {import('crypto')|undefined} */
let crypto
try {
crypto = require('crypto')
} catch {
function responseURL (response) {
// A response has an associated URL. It is a pointer to the last URL
// in responses URL list and null if responses URL list is empty.
const urlList = response.urlList
const length = urlList.length
return length === 0 ? null : urlList[length - 1].toString()
function responseLocationURL (response, requestFragment) {
// 1. If responses status is not a redirect status, then return null.
if (!redirectStatusSet.has(response.status)) {
return null
// 2. Let location be the result of extracting header list values given
// `Location` and responses header list.
let location = response.headersList.get('location')
// 3. If location is a header value, then set location to the result of
// parsing location with responses URL.
if (location !== null && isValidHeaderValue(location)) {
location = new URL(location, responseURL(response))
// 4. If location is a URL whose fragment is null, then set locations
// fragment to requestFragment.
if (location && !location.hash) {
location.hash = requestFragment
// 5. Return location.
return location
/** @returns {URL} */
function requestCurrentURL (request) {
return request.urlList[request.urlList.length - 1]
function requestBadPort (request) {
// 1. Let url be requests current URL.
const url = requestCurrentURL(request)
// 2. If urls scheme is an HTTP(S) scheme and urls port is a bad port,
// then return blocked.
if (urlIsHttpHttpsScheme(url) && badPortsSet.has(url.port)) {
return 'blocked'
// 3. Return allowed.
return 'allowed'
function isErrorLike (object) {
return object instanceof Error || (
object?.constructor?.name === 'Error' ||
object?.constructor?.name === 'DOMException'
// Check whether |statusText| is a ByteString and
// matches the Reason-Phrase token production.
// RFC 2616:
// RFC 7230:
// "reason-phrase = *( HTAB / SP / VCHAR / obs-text )"
function isValidReasonPhrase (statusText) {
for (let i = 0; i < statusText.length; ++i) {
const c = statusText.charCodeAt(i)
if (
c === 0x09 || // HTAB
(c >= 0x20 && c <= 0x7e) || // SP / VCHAR
(c >= 0x80 && c <= 0xff)
) // obs-text
) {
return false
return true
* @see
* @param {number} c
function isTokenCharCode (c) {
switch (c) {
case 0x22:
case 0x28:
case 0x29:
case 0x2c:
case 0x2f:
case 0x3a:
case 0x3b:
case 0x3c:
case 0x3d:
case 0x3e:
case 0x3f:
case 0x40:
case 0x5b:
case 0x5c:
case 0x5d:
case 0x7b:
case 0x7d:
// DQUOTE and "(),/:;<=>?@[\]{}"
return false
// VCHAR %x21-7E
return c >= 0x21 && c <= 0x7e
* @param {string} characters
function isValidHTTPToken (characters) {
if (characters.length === 0) {
return false
for (let i = 0; i < characters.length; ++i) {
if (!isTokenCharCode(characters.charCodeAt(i))) {
return false
return true
* @see
* @param {string} potentialValue
function isValidHeaderName (potentialValue) {
return isValidHTTPToken(potentialValue)
* @see
* @param {string} potentialValue
function isValidHeaderValue (potentialValue) {
// - Has no leading or trailing HTTP tab or space bytes.
// - Contains no 0x00 (NUL) or HTTP newline bytes.
if (
potentialValue.startsWith('\t') ||
potentialValue.startsWith(' ') ||
potentialValue.endsWith('\t') ||
potentialValue.endsWith(' ')
) {
return false
if (
potentialValue.includes('\0') ||
potentialValue.includes('\r') ||
) {
return false
return true
function setRequestReferrerPolicyOnRedirect (request, actualResponse) {
// Given a request request and a response actualResponse, this algorithm
// updates requests referrer policy according to the Referrer-Policy
// header (if any) in actualResponse.
// 1. Let policy be the result of executing § 8.1 Parse a referrer policy
// from a Referrer-Policy header on actualResponse.
// 8.1 Parse a referrer policy from a Referrer-Policy header
// 1. Let policy-tokens be the result of extracting header list values given `Referrer-Policy` and responses header list.
const { headersList } = actualResponse
// 2. Let policy be the empty string.
// 3. For each token in policy-tokens, if token is a referrer policy and token is not the empty string, then set policy to token.
// 4. Return policy.
const policyHeader = (headersList.get('referrer-policy') ?? '').split(',')
// Note: As the referrer-policy can contain multiple policies
// separated by comma, we need to loop through all of them
// and pick the first valid one.
// Ref:
let policy = ''
if (policyHeader.length > 0) {
// The right-most policy takes precedence.
// The left-most policy is the fallback.
for (let i = policyHeader.length; i !== 0; i--) {
const token = policyHeader[i - 1].trim()
if (referrerPolicyTokens.has(token)) {
policy = token
// 2. If policy is not the empty string, then set requests referrer policy to policy.
if (policy !== '') {
request.referrerPolicy = policy
function crossOriginResourcePolicyCheck () {
return 'allowed'
function corsCheck () {
return 'success'
function TAOCheck () {
return 'success'
function appendFetchMetadata (httpRequest) {
// 1. Assert: rs url is a potentially trustworthy URL.
// 2. Let header be a Structured Header whose value is a token.
let header = null
// 3. Set headers value to rs mode.
header = httpRequest.mode
// 4. Set a structured field value `Sec-Fetch-Mode`/header in rs header list.
httpRequest.headersList.set('sec-fetch-mode', header)
function appendRequestOriginHeader (request) {
// 1. Let serializedOrigin be the result of byte-serializing a request origin with request.
let serializedOrigin = request.origin
// 2. If requests response tainting is "cors" or requests mode is "websocket", then append (`Origin`, serializedOrigin) to requests header list.
if (request.responseTainting === 'cors' || request.mode === 'websocket') {
if (serializedOrigin) {
request.headersList.append('origin', serializedOrigin)
// 3. Otherwise, if requests method is neither `GET` nor `HEAD`, then:
} else if (request.method !== 'GET' && request.method !== 'HEAD') {
// 1. Switch on requests referrer policy:
switch (request.referrerPolicy) {
case 'no-referrer':
// Set serializedOrigin to `null`.
serializedOrigin = null
case 'no-referrer-when-downgrade':
case 'strict-origin':
case 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin':
// If requests origin is a tuple origin, its scheme is "https", and requests current URLs scheme is not "https", then set serializedOrigin to `null`.
if (request.origin && urlHasHttpsScheme(request.origin) && !urlHasHttpsScheme(requestCurrentURL(request))) {
serializedOrigin = null
case 'same-origin':
// If requests origin is not same origin with requests current URLs origin, then set serializedOrigin to `null`.
if (!sameOrigin(request, requestCurrentURL(request))) {
serializedOrigin = null
// Do nothing.
if (serializedOrigin) {
// 2. Append (`Origin`, serializedOrigin) to requests header list.
request.headersList.append('origin', serializedOrigin)
function coarsenedSharedCurrentTime (crossOriginIsolatedCapability) {
function createOpaqueTimingInfo (timingInfo) {
return {
startTime: timingInfo.startTime ?? 0,
redirectStartTime: 0,
redirectEndTime: 0,
postRedirectStartTime: timingInfo.startTime ?? 0,
finalServiceWorkerStartTime: 0,
finalNetworkResponseStartTime: 0,
finalNetworkRequestStartTime: 0,
endTime: 0,
encodedBodySize: 0,
decodedBodySize: 0,
finalConnectionTimingInfo: null
function makePolicyContainer () {
// Note: the fetch spec doesn't make use of embedder policy or CSP list
return {
referrerPolicy: 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin'
function clonePolicyContainer (policyContainer) {
return {
referrerPolicy: policyContainer.referrerPolicy
function determineRequestsReferrer (request) {
// 1. Let policy be request's referrer policy.
const policy = request.referrerPolicy
// Note: policy cannot (shouldn't) be null or an empty string.
// 2. Let environment be requests client.
let referrerSource = null
// 3. Switch on requests referrer:
if (request.referrer === 'client') {
// Note: node isn't a browser and doesn't implement document/iframes,
// so we bypass this step and replace it with our own.
const globalOrigin = getGlobalOrigin()
if (!globalOrigin || globalOrigin.origin === 'null') {
return 'no-referrer'
// note: we need to clone it as it's mutated
referrerSource = new URL(globalOrigin)
} else if (request.referrer instanceof URL) {
// Let referrerSource be requests referrer.
referrerSource = request.referrer
// 4. Let requests referrerURL be the result of stripping referrerSource for
// use as a referrer.
let referrerURL = stripURLForReferrer(referrerSource)
// 5. Let referrerOrigin be the result of stripping referrerSource for use as
// a referrer, with the origin-only flag set to true.
const referrerOrigin = stripURLForReferrer(referrerSource, true)
// 6. If the result of serializing referrerURL is a string whose length is
// greater than 4096, set referrerURL to referrerOrigin.
if (referrerURL.toString().length > 4096) {
referrerURL = referrerOrigin
const areSameOrigin = sameOrigin(request, referrerURL)
const isNonPotentiallyTrustWorthy = isURLPotentiallyTrustworthy(referrerURL) &&
// 8. Execute the switch statements corresponding to the value of policy:
switch (policy) {
case 'origin': return referrerOrigin != null ? referrerOrigin : stripURLForReferrer(referrerSource, true)
case 'unsafe-url': return referrerURL
case 'same-origin':
return areSameOrigin ? referrerOrigin : 'no-referrer'
case 'origin-when-cross-origin':
return areSameOrigin ? referrerURL : referrerOrigin
case 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin': {
const currentURL = requestCurrentURL(request)
// 1. If the origin of referrerURL and the origin of requests current
// URL are the same, then return referrerURL.
if (sameOrigin(referrerURL, currentURL)) {
return referrerURL
// 2. If referrerURL is a potentially trustworthy URL and requests
// current URL is not a potentially trustworthy URL, then return no
// referrer.
if (isURLPotentiallyTrustworthy(referrerURL) && !isURLPotentiallyTrustworthy(currentURL)) {
return 'no-referrer'
// 3. Return referrerOrigin.
return referrerOrigin
case 'strict-origin': // eslint-disable-line
* 1. If referrerURL is a potentially trustworthy URL and
* requests current URL is not a potentially trustworthy URL,
* then return no referrer.
* 2. Return referrerOrigin
case 'no-referrer-when-downgrade': // eslint-disable-line
* 1. If referrerURL is a potentially trustworthy URL and
* requests current URL is not a potentially trustworthy URL,
* then return no referrer.
* 2. Return referrerOrigin
default: // eslint-disable-line
return isNonPotentiallyTrustWorthy ? 'no-referrer' : referrerOrigin
* @see
* @param {URL} url
* @param {boolean|undefined} originOnly
function stripURLForReferrer (url, originOnly) {
// 1. Assert: url is a URL.
assert(url instanceof URL)
// 2. If urls scheme is a local scheme, then return no referrer.
if (url.protocol === 'file:' || url.protocol === 'about:' || url.protocol === 'blank:') {
return 'no-referrer'
// 3. Set urls username to the empty string.
url.username = ''
// 4. Set urls password to the empty string.
url.password = ''
// 5. Set urls fragment to null.
url.hash = ''
// 6. If the origin-only flag is true, then:
if (originOnly) {
// 1. Set urls path to « the empty string ».
url.pathname = ''
// 2. Set urls query to null. = ''
// 7. Return url.
return url
function isURLPotentiallyTrustworthy (url) {
if (!(url instanceof URL)) {
return false
// If child of about, return true
if (url.href === 'about:blank' || url.href === 'about:srcdoc') {
return true
// If scheme is data, return true
if (url.protocol === 'data:') return true
// If file, return true
if (url.protocol === 'file:') return true
return isOriginPotentiallyTrustworthy(url.origin)
function isOriginPotentiallyTrustworthy (origin) {
// If origin is explicitly null, return false
if (origin == null || origin === 'null') return false
const originAsURL = new URL(origin)
// If secure, return true
if (originAsURL.protocol === 'https:' || originAsURL.protocol === 'wss:') {
return true
// If localhost or variants, return true
if (/^127(?:\.[0-9]+){0,2}\.[0-9]+$|^\[(?:0*:)*?:?0*1\]$/.test(originAsURL.hostname) ||
(originAsURL.hostname === 'localhost' || originAsURL.hostname.includes('localhost.')) ||
(originAsURL.hostname.endsWith('.localhost'))) {
return true
// If any other, return false
return false
* @see
* @param {Uint8Array} bytes
* @param {string} metadataList
function bytesMatch (bytes, metadataList) {
// If node is not built with OpenSSL support, we cannot check
// a request's integrity, so allow it by default (the spec will
// allow requests if an invalid hash is given, as precedence).
/* istanbul ignore if: only if node is built with --without-ssl */
if (crypto === undefined) {
return true
// 1. Let parsedMetadata be the result of parsing metadataList.
const parsedMetadata = parseMetadata(metadataList)
// 2. If parsedMetadata is no metadata, return true.
if (parsedMetadata === 'no metadata') {
return true
// 3. If parsedMetadata is the empty set, return true.
if (parsedMetadata.length === 0) {
return true
// 4. Let metadata be the result of getting the strongest
// metadata from parsedMetadata.
const list = parsedMetadata.sort((c, d) => d.algo.localeCompare(c.algo))
// get the strongest algorithm
const strongest = list[0].algo
// get all entries that use the strongest algorithm; ignore weaker
const metadata = list.filter((item) => item.algo === strongest)
// 5. For each item in metadata:
for (const item of metadata) {
// 1. Let algorithm be the alg component of item.
const algorithm = item.algo
// 2. Let expectedValue be the val component of item.
let expectedValue = item.hash
// See
// "be liberal with padding". This is annoying, and it's not even in the spec.
if (expectedValue.endsWith('==')) {
expectedValue = expectedValue.slice(0, -2)
// 3. Let actualValue be the result of applying algorithm to bytes.
let actualValue = crypto.createHash(algorithm).update(bytes).digest('base64')
if (actualValue.endsWith('==')) {
actualValue = actualValue.slice(0, -2)
// 4. If actualValue is a case-sensitive match for expectedValue,
// return true.
if (actualValue === expectedValue) {
return true
let actualBase64URL = crypto.createHash(algorithm).update(bytes).digest('base64url')
if (actualBase64URL.endsWith('==')) {
actualBase64URL = actualBase64URL.slice(0, -2)
if (actualBase64URL === expectedValue) {
return true
// 6. Return false.
return false
const parseHashWithOptions = /((?<algo>sha256|sha384|sha512)-(?<hash>[A-z0-9+/]{1}.*={0,2}))( +[\x21-\x7e]?)?/i
* @see
* @param {string} metadata
function parseMetadata (metadata) {
// 1. Let result be the empty set.
/** @type {{ algo: string, hash: string }[]} */
const result = []
// 2. Let empty be equal to true.
let empty = true
const supportedHashes = crypto.getHashes()
// 3. For each token returned by splitting metadata on spaces:
for (const token of metadata.split(' ')) {
// 1. Set empty to false.
empty = false
// 2. Parse token as a hash-with-options.
const parsedToken = parseHashWithOptions.exec(token)
// 3. If token does not parse, continue to the next token.
if (parsedToken === null || parsedToken.groups === undefined) {
// Note: Chromium blocks the request at this point, but Firefox
// gives a warning that an invalid integrity was given. The
// correct behavior is to ignore these, and subsequently not
// check the integrity of the resource.
// 4. Let algorithm be the hash-algo component of token.
const algorithm = parsedToken.groups.algo
// 5. If algorithm is a hash function recognized by the user
// agent, add the parsed token to result.
if (supportedHashes.includes(algorithm.toLowerCase())) {
// 4. Return no metadata if empty is true, otherwise return result.
if (empty === true) {
return 'no metadata'
return result
function tryUpgradeRequestToAPotentiallyTrustworthyURL (request) {
* @link {}
* @param {URL} A
* @param {URL} B
function sameOrigin (A, B) {
// 1. If A and B are the same opaque origin, then return true.
if (A.origin === B.origin && A.origin === 'null') {
return true
// 2. If A and B are both tuple origins and their schemes,
// hosts, and port are identical, then return true.
if (A.protocol === B.protocol && A.hostname === B.hostname && A.port === B.port) {
return true
// 3. Return false.
return false
function createDeferredPromise () {
let res
let rej
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
res = resolve
rej = reject
return { promise, resolve: res, reject: rej }
function isAborted (fetchParams) {
return fetchParams.controller.state === 'aborted'
function isCancelled (fetchParams) {
return fetchParams.controller.state === 'aborted' ||
fetchParams.controller.state === 'terminated'
const normalizeMethodRecord = {
delete: 'DELETE',
get: 'GET',
head: 'HEAD',
options: 'OPTIONS',
post: 'POST',
put: 'PUT',
// Note: object prototypes should not be able to be referenced. e.g. `Object#hasOwnProperty`.
Object.setPrototypeOf(normalizeMethodRecord, null)
* @see
* @param {string} method
function normalizeMethod (method) {
return normalizeMethodRecord[method.toLowerCase()] ?? method
function serializeJavascriptValueToJSONString (value) {
// 1. Let result be ? Call(%JSON.stringify%, undefined, « value »).
const result = JSON.stringify(value)
// 2. If result is undefined, then throw a TypeError.
if (result === undefined) {
throw new TypeError('Value is not JSON serializable')
// 3. Assert: result is a string.
assert(typeof result === 'string')
// 4. Return result.
return result
const esIteratorPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.getPrototypeOf([][Symbol.iterator]()))
* @see
* @param {() => unknown[]} iterator
* @param {string} name name of the instance
* @param {'key'|'value'|'key+value'} kind
function makeIterator (iterator, name, kind) {
const object = {
index: 0,
target: iterator
const i = {
next () {
// 1. Let interface be the interface for which the iterator prototype object exists.
// 2. Let thisValue be the this value.
// 3. Let object be ? ToObject(thisValue).
// 4. If object is a platform object, then perform a security
// check, passing:
// 5. If object is not a default iterator object for interface,
// then throw a TypeError.
if (Object.getPrototypeOf(this) !== i) {
throw new TypeError(
`'next' called on an object that does not implement interface ${name} Iterator.`
// 6. Let index be objects index.
// 7. Let kind be objects kind.
// 8. Let values be objects target's value pairs to iterate over.
const { index, kind, target } = object
const values = target()
// 9. Let len be the length of values.
const len = values.length
// 10. If index is greater than or equal to len, then return
// CreateIterResultObject(undefined, true).
if (index >= len) {
return { value: undefined, done: true }
// 11. Let pair be the entry in values at index index.
const pair = values[index]
// 12. Set objects index to index + 1.
object.index = index + 1
// 13. Return the iterator result for pair and kind.
return iteratorResult(pair, kind)
// The class string of an iterator prototype object for a given interface is the
// result of concatenating the identifier of the interface and the string " Iterator".
[Symbol.toStringTag]: `${name} Iterator`
// The [[Prototype]] internal slot of an iterator prototype object must be %IteratorPrototype%.
Object.setPrototypeOf(i, esIteratorPrototype)
// esIteratorPrototype needs to be the prototype of i
// which is the prototype of an empty object. Yes, it's confusing.
return Object.setPrototypeOf({}, i)
function iteratorResult (pair, kind) {
let result
// 1. Let result be a value determined by the value of kind:
switch (kind) {
case 'key': {
// 1. Let idlKey be pairs key.
// 2. Let key be the result of converting idlKey to an
// ECMAScript value.
// 3. result is key.
result = pair[0]
case 'value': {
// 1. Let idlValue be pairs value.
// 2. Let value be the result of converting idlValue to
// an ECMAScript value.
// 3. result is value.
result = pair[1]
case 'key+value': {
// 1. Let idlKey be pairs key.
// 2. Let idlValue be pairs value.
// 3. Let key be the result of converting idlKey to an
// ECMAScript value.
// 4. Let value be the result of converting idlValue to
// an ECMAScript value.
// 5. Let array be ! ArrayCreate(2).
// 6. Call ! CreateDataProperty(array, "0", key).
// 7. Call ! CreateDataProperty(array, "1", value).
// 8. result is array.
result = pair
// 2. Return CreateIterResultObject(result, false).
return { value: result, done: false }
* @see
async function fullyReadBody (body, processBody, processBodyError) {
// 1. If taskDestination is null, then set taskDestination to
// the result of starting a new parallel queue.
// 2. Let successSteps given a byte sequence bytes be to queue a
// fetch task to run processBody given bytes, with taskDestination.
const successSteps = processBody
// 3. Let errorSteps be to queue a fetch task to run processBodyError,
// with taskDestination.
const errorSteps = processBodyError
// 4. Let reader be the result of getting a reader for bodys stream.
// If that threw an exception, then run errorSteps with that
// exception and return.
let reader
try {
reader =
} catch (e) {
// 5. Read all bytes from reader, given successSteps and errorSteps.
try {
const result = await readAllBytes(reader)
} catch (e) {
/** @type {ReadableStream} */
let ReadableStream = globalThis.ReadableStream
function isReadableStreamLike (stream) {
if (!ReadableStream) {
ReadableStream = require('stream/web').ReadableStream
return stream instanceof ReadableStream || (
stream[Symbol.toStringTag] === 'ReadableStream' &&
typeof stream.tee === 'function'
* @see
* @param {number[]|Uint8Array} input
function isomorphicDecode (input) {
// 1. To isomorphic decode a byte sequence input, return a string whose code point
// length is equal to inputs length and whose code points have the same values
// as the values of inputs bytes, in the same order.
if (input.length < MAXIMUM_ARGUMENT_LENGTH) {
return String.fromCharCode(...input)
return input.reduce((previous, current) => previous + String.fromCharCode(current), '')
* @param {ReadableStreamController<Uint8Array>} controller
function readableStreamClose (controller) {
try {
} catch (err) {
// TODO: add comment explaining why this error occurs.
if (!err.message.includes('Controller is already closed')) {
throw err
* @see
* @param {string} input
function isomorphicEncode (input) {
// 1. Assert: input contains no code points greater than U+00FF.
for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
assert(input.charCodeAt(i) <= 0xFF)
// 2. Return a byte sequence whose length is equal to inputs code
// point length and whose bytes have the same values as the
// values of inputs code points, in the same order
return input
* @see
* @see
* @param {ReadableStreamDefaultReader} reader
async function readAllBytes (reader) {
const bytes = []
let byteLength = 0
while (true) {
const { done, value: chunk } = await
if (done) {
// 1. Call successSteps with bytes.
return Buffer.concat(bytes, byteLength)
// 1. If chunk is not a Uint8Array object, call failureSteps
// with a TypeError and abort these steps.
if (!isUint8Array(chunk)) {
throw new TypeError('Received non-Uint8Array chunk')
// 2. Append the bytes represented by chunk to bytes.
byteLength += chunk.length
// 3. Read-loop given reader, bytes, successSteps, and failureSteps.
* @see
* @param {URL} url
function urlIsLocal (url) {
assert('protocol' in url) // ensure it's a url object
const protocol = url.protocol
return protocol === 'about:' || protocol === 'blob:' || protocol === 'data:'
* @param {string|URL} url
function urlHasHttpsScheme (url) {
if (typeof url === 'string') {
return url.startsWith('https:')
return url.protocol === 'https:'
* @see
* @param {URL} url
function urlIsHttpHttpsScheme (url) {
assert('protocol' in url) // ensure it's a url object
const protocol = url.protocol
return protocol === 'http:' || protocol === 'https:'
* Fetch supports node >= 16.8.0, but Object.hasOwn was added in v16.9.0.
const hasOwn = Object.hasOwn || ((dict, key) =>, key))
module.exports = {