'use strict'; var directives = require('../doc/directives.js'); var Document = require('../doc/Document.js'); var errors = require('../errors.js'); var Node = require('../nodes/Node.js'); var composeDoc = require('./compose-doc.js'); var resolveEnd = require('./resolve-end.js'); function getErrorPos(src) { if (typeof src === 'number') return [src, src + 1]; if (Array.isArray(src)) return src.length === 2 ? src : [src[0], src[1]]; const { offset, source } = src; return [offset, offset + (typeof source === 'string' ? source.length : 1)]; } function parsePrelude(prelude) { let comment = ''; let atComment = false; let afterEmptyLine = false; for (let i = 0; i < prelude.length; ++i) { const source = prelude[i]; switch (source[0]) { case '#': comment += (comment === '' ? '' : afterEmptyLine ? '\n\n' : '\n') + (source.substring(1) || ' '); atComment = true; afterEmptyLine = false; break; case '%': if (prelude[i + 1]?.[0] !== '#') i += 1; atComment = false; break; default: // This may be wrong after doc-end, but in that case it doesn't matter if (!atComment) afterEmptyLine = true; atComment = false; } } return { comment, afterEmptyLine }; } /** * Compose a stream of CST nodes into a stream of YAML Documents. * * ```ts * import { Composer, Parser } from 'yaml' * * const src: string = ... * const tokens = new Parser().parse(src) * const docs = new Composer().compose(tokens) * ``` */ class Composer { constructor(options = {}) { this.doc = null; this.atDirectives = false; this.prelude = []; this.errors = []; this.warnings = []; this.onError = (source, code, message, warning) => { const pos = getErrorPos(source); if (warning) this.warnings.push(new errors.YAMLWarning(pos, code, message)); else this.errors.push(new errors.YAMLParseError(pos, code, message)); }; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-nullish-coalescing this.directives = new directives.Directives({ version: options.version || '1.2' }); this.options = options; } decorate(doc, afterDoc) { const { comment, afterEmptyLine } = parsePrelude(this.prelude); //console.log({ dc: doc.comment, prelude, comment }) if (comment) { const dc = doc.contents; if (afterDoc) { doc.comment = doc.comment ? `${doc.comment}\n${comment}` : comment; } else if (afterEmptyLine || doc.directives.docStart || !dc) { doc.commentBefore = comment; } else if (Node.isCollection(dc) && !dc.flow && dc.items.length > 0) { let it = dc.items[0]; if (Node.isPair(it)) it = it.key; const cb = it.commentBefore; it.commentBefore = cb ? `${comment}\n${cb}` : comment; } else { const cb = dc.commentBefore; dc.commentBefore = cb ? `${comment}\n${cb}` : comment; } } if (afterDoc) { Array.prototype.push.apply(doc.errors, this.errors); Array.prototype.push.apply(doc.warnings, this.warnings); } else { doc.errors = this.errors; doc.warnings = this.warnings; } this.prelude = []; this.errors = []; this.warnings = []; } /** * Current stream status information. * * Mostly useful at the end of input for an empty stream. */ streamInfo() { return { comment: parsePrelude(this.prelude).comment, directives: this.directives, errors: this.errors, warnings: this.warnings }; } /** * Compose tokens into documents. * * @param forceDoc - If the stream contains no document, still emit a final document including any comments and directives that would be applied to a subsequent document. * @param endOffset - Should be set if `forceDoc` is also set, to set the document range end and to indicate errors correctly. */ *compose(tokens, forceDoc = false, endOffset = -1) { for (const token of tokens) yield* this.next(token); yield* this.end(forceDoc, endOffset); } /** Advance the composer by one CST token. */ *next(token) { if (process.env.LOG_STREAM) console.dir(token, { depth: null }); switch (token.type) { case 'directive': this.directives.add(token.source, (offset, message, warning) => { const pos = getErrorPos(token); pos[0] += offset; this.onError(pos, 'BAD_DIRECTIVE', message, warning); }); this.prelude.push(token.source); this.atDirectives = true; break; case 'document': { const doc = composeDoc.composeDoc(this.options, this.directives, token, this.onError); if (this.atDirectives && !doc.directives.docStart) this.onError(token, 'MISSING_CHAR', 'Missing directives-end/doc-start indicator line'); this.decorate(doc, false); if (this.doc) yield this.doc; this.doc = doc; this.atDirectives = false; break; } case 'byte-order-mark': case 'space': break; case 'comment': case 'newline': this.prelude.push(token.source); break; case 'error': { const msg = token.source ? `${token.message}: ${JSON.stringify(token.source)}` : token.message; const error = new errors.YAMLParseError(getErrorPos(token), 'UNEXPECTED_TOKEN', msg); if (this.atDirectives || !this.doc) this.errors.push(error); else this.doc.errors.push(error); break; } case 'doc-end': { if (!this.doc) { const msg = 'Unexpected doc-end without preceding document'; this.errors.push(new errors.YAMLParseError(getErrorPos(token), 'UNEXPECTED_TOKEN', msg)); break; } this.doc.directives.docEnd = true; const end = resolveEnd.resolveEnd(token.end, token.offset + token.source.length, this.doc.options.strict, this.onError); this.decorate(this.doc, true); if (end.comment) { const dc = this.doc.comment; this.doc.comment = dc ? `${dc}\n${end.comment}` : end.comment; } this.doc.range[2] = end.offset; break; } default: this.errors.push(new errors.YAMLParseError(getErrorPos(token), 'UNEXPECTED_TOKEN', `Unsupported token ${token.type}`)); } } /** * Call at end of input to yield any remaining document. * * @param forceDoc - If the stream contains no document, still emit a final document including any comments and directives that would be applied to a subsequent document. * @param endOffset - Should be set if `forceDoc` is also set, to set the document range end and to indicate errors correctly. */ *end(forceDoc = false, endOffset = -1) { if (this.doc) { this.decorate(this.doc, true); yield this.doc; this.doc = null; } else if (forceDoc) { const opts = Object.assign({ _directives: this.directives }, this.options); const doc = new Document.Document(undefined, opts); if (this.atDirectives) this.onError(endOffset, 'MISSING_CHAR', 'Missing directives-end indicator line'); doc.range = [0, endOffset, endOffset]; this.decorate(doc, false); yield doc; } } } exports.Composer = Composer;