
345 lines
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2024-01-17 02:08:10 -07:00
'use strict'
const { Blob, File: NativeFile } = require('buffer')
const { types } = require('util')
const { kState } = require('./symbols')
const { isBlobLike } = require('./util')
const { webidl } = require('./webidl')
const { parseMIMEType, serializeAMimeType } = require('./dataURL')
const { kEnumerableProperty } = require('../core/util')
const encoder = new TextEncoder()
class File extends Blob {
constructor (fileBits, fileName, options = {}) {
// The File constructor is invoked with two or three parameters, depending
// on whether the optional dictionary parameter is used. When the File()
// constructor is invoked, user agents must run the following steps:
webidl.argumentLengthCheck(arguments, 2, { header: 'File constructor' })
fileBits = webidl.converters['sequence<BlobPart>'](fileBits)
fileName = webidl.converters.USVString(fileName)
options = webidl.converters.FilePropertyBag(options)
// 1. Let bytes be the result of processing blob parts given fileBits and
// options.
// Note: Blob handles this for us
// 2. Let n be the fileName argument to the constructor.
const n = fileName
// 3. Process FilePropertyBag dictionary argument by running the following
// substeps:
// 1. If the type member is provided and is not the empty string, let t
// be set to the type dictionary member. If t contains any characters
// outside the range U+0020 to U+007E, then set t to the empty string
// and return from these substeps.
// 2. Convert every character in t to ASCII lowercase.
let t = options.type
let d
// eslint-disable-next-line no-labels
substep: {
if (t) {
t = parseMIMEType(t)
if (t === 'failure') {
t = ''
// eslint-disable-next-line no-labels
break substep
t = serializeAMimeType(t).toLowerCase()
// 3. If the lastModified member is provided, let d be set to the
// lastModified dictionary member. If it is not provided, set d to the
// current date and time represented as the number of milliseconds since
// the Unix Epoch (which is the equivalent of [ECMA-262]).
d = options.lastModified
// 4. Return a new File object F such that:
// F refers to the bytes byte sequence.
// F.size is set to the number of total bytes in bytes.
// is set to n.
// F.type is set to t.
// F.lastModified is set to d.
super(processBlobParts(fileBits, options), { type: t })
this[kState] = {
name: n,
lastModified: d,
type: t
get name () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, File)
return this[kState].name
get lastModified () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, File)
return this[kState].lastModified
get type () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, File)
return this[kState].type
class FileLike {
constructor (blobLike, fileName, options = {}) {
// TODO: argument idl type check
// The File constructor is invoked with two or three parameters, depending
// on whether the optional dictionary parameter is used. When the File()
// constructor is invoked, user agents must run the following steps:
// 1. Let bytes be the result of processing blob parts given fileBits and
// options.
// 2. Let n be the fileName argument to the constructor.
const n = fileName
// 3. Process FilePropertyBag dictionary argument by running the following
// substeps:
// 1. If the type member is provided and is not the empty string, let t
// be set to the type dictionary member. If t contains any characters
// outside the range U+0020 to U+007E, then set t to the empty string
// and return from these substeps.
const t = options.type
// 2. Convert every character in t to ASCII lowercase.
// 3. If the lastModified member is provided, let d be set to the
// lastModified dictionary member. If it is not provided, set d to the
// current date and time represented as the number of milliseconds since
// the Unix Epoch (which is the equivalent of [ECMA-262]).
const d = options.lastModified ??
// 4. Return a new File object F such that:
// F refers to the bytes byte sequence.
// F.size is set to the number of total bytes in bytes.
// is set to n.
// F.type is set to t.
// F.lastModified is set to d.
this[kState] = {
name: n,
type: t,
lastModified: d
stream (...args) {
webidl.brandCheck(this, FileLike)
return this[kState]
arrayBuffer (...args) {
webidl.brandCheck(this, FileLike)
return this[kState].blobLike.arrayBuffer(...args)
slice (...args) {
webidl.brandCheck(this, FileLike)
return this[kState].blobLike.slice(...args)
text (...args) {
webidl.brandCheck(this, FileLike)
return this[kState].blobLike.text(...args)
get size () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, FileLike)
return this[kState].blobLike.size
get type () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, FileLike)
return this[kState].blobLike.type
get name () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, FileLike)
return this[kState].name
get lastModified () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, FileLike)
return this[kState].lastModified
get [Symbol.toStringTag] () {
return 'File'
Object.defineProperties(File.prototype, {
[Symbol.toStringTag]: {
value: 'File',
configurable: true
name: kEnumerableProperty,
lastModified: kEnumerableProperty
webidl.converters.Blob = webidl.interfaceConverter(Blob)
webidl.converters.BlobPart = function (V, opts) {
if (webidl.util.Type(V) === 'Object') {
if (isBlobLike(V)) {
return webidl.converters.Blob(V, { strict: false })
if (
ArrayBuffer.isView(V) ||
) {
return webidl.converters.BufferSource(V, opts)
return webidl.converters.USVString(V, opts)
webidl.converters['sequence<BlobPart>'] = webidl.sequenceConverter(
webidl.converters.FilePropertyBag = webidl.dictionaryConverter([
key: 'lastModified',
converter: webidl.converters['long long'],
get defaultValue () {
key: 'type',
converter: webidl.converters.DOMString,
defaultValue: ''
key: 'endings',
converter: (value) => {
value = webidl.converters.DOMString(value)
value = value.toLowerCase()
if (value !== 'native') {
value = 'transparent'
return value
defaultValue: 'transparent'
* @see
* @param {(NodeJS.TypedArray|Blob|string)[]} parts
* @param {{ type: string, endings: string }} options
function processBlobParts (parts, options) {
// 1. Let bytes be an empty sequence of bytes.
/** @type {NodeJS.TypedArray[]} */
const bytes = []
// 2. For each element in parts:
for (const element of parts) {
// 1. If element is a USVString, run the following substeps:
if (typeof element === 'string') {
// 1. Let s be element.
let s = element
// 2. If the endings member of options is "native", set s
// to the result of converting line endings to native
// of element.
if (options.endings === 'native') {
s = convertLineEndingsNative(s)
// 3. Append the result of UTF-8 encoding s to bytes.
} else if (
types.isAnyArrayBuffer(element) ||
) {
// 2. If element is a BufferSource, get a copy of the
// bytes held by the buffer source, and append those
// bytes to bytes.
if (!element.buffer) { // ArrayBuffer
bytes.push(new Uint8Array(element))
} else {
new Uint8Array(element.buffer, element.byteOffset, element.byteLength)
} else if (isBlobLike(element)) {
// 3. If element is a Blob, append the bytes it represents
// to bytes.
// 3. Return bytes.
return bytes
* @see
* @param {string} s
function convertLineEndingsNative (s) {
// 1. Let native line ending be be the code point U+000A LF.
let nativeLineEnding = '\n'
// 2. If the underlying platforms conventions are to
// represent newlines as a carriage return and line feed
// sequence, set native line ending to the code point
// U+000D CR followed by the code point U+000A LF.
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
nativeLineEnding = '\r\n'
return s.replace(/\r?\n/g, nativeLineEnding)
// If this function is moved to ./util.js, some tools (such as
// rollup) will warn about circular dependencies. See:
function isFileLike (object) {
return (
(NativeFile && object instanceof NativeFile) ||
object instanceof File || (
object &&
(typeof === 'function' ||
typeof object.arrayBuffer === 'function') &&
object[Symbol.toStringTag] === 'File'
module.exports = { File, FileLike, isFileLike }